
Deborah and David Roberts
With their extraordinary $10 million bequest, donors David and Deborah Roberts are continuing an honored family tradition of generous giving to advance Weill Cornell Medicine’s mission.
Dean Harrington
In June of this year, Dr. Robert A. Harrington was named the Stephen and Suzanne Weiss Dean of Weill Cornell Medicine and Cornell University’s provost for medical affairs. Dean Harrington, the former chair of Stanford University’s Department of Medicine, is a cardiologist and past president of the American Heart Association.
Dr. Kai-ping Wang and Dr. Linda Chuang (M.D.’97)
A Gift That Celebrates the Connection Between Medical Students and Alumni
Andrew and Ann Tisch
A $20 million leadership gift from Board of Fellows member Andrew H. Tisch and his wife, Ann R. Tisch, will foster engagement and collaboration between Weill Cornell Medicine and Cornell Tech
Interim Dean Francis Lee
As chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine, I have seen firsthand the dedication of our leadership, staff, faculty and students, and have experienced our uniquely collaborative culture.
Dr. Orli Etingin, Dr. Timothy Dutta and Dr. John Leonard
Faculty are the lifeblood of Weill Cornell Medicine – and their partnership has been a driving force behind the success of the We’re Changing Medicine campaign.
a woman in a lab doing research
Many extraordinary medical achievements of the past decade have changed countless lives.
Dr. Karen Lin Su (M.D. ’97) and Dr. Edwin Su (M.D. ’97)
Powered by a strong connection to their alma mater – and inspired by the student-focused initiatives of the We’re Changing Medicine campaign – Weill Cornell Medicine alumni are affirming their enthusiasm with remarkable engagement and philanthropy.
Image of Sandi Weill, Jeffrey Feil and Dean Choi
From the moment they receive their short white coats to the moment they are handed their hard-earned diplomas on the stage at Carnegie Hall, our students are essential members of the Weill Cornell Medicine family.
New Student Residence Building
With gratitude to the institution that launched their careers, the Weill Cornell Medicine class of 1974 will name a music room in the new student residence – a group gift that represents a substantial investment in the We’re Changing Medicine campaign.

Milestones Archives

Milestones, the Weill Cornell institutional newsletter, is published four times a year and highlights some of our recent donors and exciting developments.

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